IPL Treatment

Our intense pulsed light (IPL) device delivers unparalleled results in treating pigmented and vascular lesions. Even with just one session, patients experience remarkable enhancements in skin complexion and clarity. Utilizing photothermolysis, our IPL administers a comfortable light treatment, providing patients with a transformative photo-facial experience.

Our IPL Treatment

IPL is a cutting-edge non-invasive procedure targeting various skin concerns to enhance skin appearance. Using broad-spectrum light, it addresses pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, vascular lesions, and signs of aging.

During the session, intense pulses of light are directed at targeted skin areas, destroying or coagulating pigmented cells and blood vessels. This diminishes sunspots, freckles, redness, and other imperfections.

Our IPL stands out for its advanced technology, delivering high-intensity light pulses in less time than traditional IPL treatments, ensuring swift and effective results with minimal discomfort.

The Benefits of IPL Treatments

In just 1-3 sessions, IPL significantly improves the appearance of various skin concerns, including age spots, vascular lesions like facial telangiectasias and poikiloderma, rosacea, freckles, and sun damage.

IPL's versatility extends to its applicability across all areas of the body. Most commonly, treatment is administered to sun-exposed regions such as the face, neck, and décolletage. This broad coverage ensures that individuals can address their specific concerns and achieve comprehensive results, promoting confidence and well-being.

Before and after of sun damage and freckles on face after 3 sessions.

-Dr. V Ross

Before and after of sun damage on hands after 2 sessions.

-Dr. T Burke

Before and after of sun damage + broken capillaries after 2 sessions.

-EverGlow Aesthetics

Learn More About Our IPL Treatments

What are the most common reasons patients get IPL treatments?

The most common reason patients seek skin rejuvenation treatments is to get rid of brown spots and sun-damaged skin, especially on the face and décolleté—or even on hands. A second common complaint is rosacea, which is ruddy skin with unsightly “broken blood vessels” or capillaries.

When treating sun-damaged skin, how quickly can patients expect to see results?

IPL can often improve the clarity of the skin about 2 weeks after the initial treatment. It continues to improve as you do 2- 3 sessions. 

Is everyone a candidate for this treatment?

IPL is most effective on light, untanned skin. Unfortunately, tanned or darker skin tones make it difficult for the IPL device to distinguish darker pigmentation caused by sun damage from the skin’s normal pigmentation. Other treatments, such as Sylfirm X (RF Microneedling), provide a safer and more effective option.

Can patients expect any discomfort or pain?

Patients typically report minimal discomfort during the treatment - like a rubber band snap. This is partially due to the highly effective cooling of the treatment tip, which eliminates the sensation of heat during the pulses.

What are the potential side effects of this treatment?

Sometimes there are mild skin reactions such as redness and mild swelling, but these usually resolve themselves within 24 hours. Some patients find they’re sensitive to sunlight in the hours following the treatment. For this reason, it’s recommended to avoid direct sunlight, especially tanning for 2 weeks. 

How much downtime can a patient expect after each treatment?

The skin may appear reddish for maybe 30-60 minutes after the treatment. The dark spots will turn temporarily darker after a successful treatment, then flake off like coffee grounds within one or two weeks. In the meantime, a little foundation can cover up the skin for an even appearance.

Some patients report that freckles can appear darker right after IPL photo rejuvenation treatments. Why does this happen, and how long does it last?

This is temporary darkening that actually means the treatment successfully reached its target in the skin. In the case of freckles, that target is melanin. The absorbed light causes the dark color to break up and then flake off over the next week or two after the treatment.

Schedule Virtual Consult

Transform your skin with our IPL Machine. Sign up for a free virtual consultation and discover how our experts can help you achieve your beauty goals.