Kybella Leads to a

Sleeker and More

Youthful Facial Profile

Stubborn fat pockets like the double chin are great targets for treatment with an FDA approved injectable treatment called Kybella.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella treatment involves the injection of a product that destroys unwanted fat cells permanently. It contains an ingredient known as deoxycholic acid – a substance produced naturally by the human body. It can both absorb and break down fat in a safe and effective way, making it extremely useful for reducing small areas of fat.

The most popular use for Kybella is for fat found under the chin, but it can also be used for the jawline, or jowls, and the bra line area. When injected beneath the chin, Kybella leads to a sleeker and more youthful facial profile.

To obtain optimal results, you should discuss your aesthetic objectives beforehand. The number of vials that you require can be determined at your Kybella preconsultation. Most Kybella treatments take under 30 minutes and will require multiple treatment sessions spaced 6-8 weeks apart.

Following your Kybella treatment at EverGlow Aesthetics, you can enjoy the dramatic boost in your self-confidence because of your more refreshed and sleek profile.

Treatment: Double Chin

Treatment: Jowls

Treatment: Double Chin

Learn More About Our Kybella

When will I see results?

Most patients will begin seeing results around the 6-8 week mark, but full results can take up to 12 weeks.

Are Kybella injections painful?

Many patients experience a warm discomfort in the area for a few minutes following treatment. During this time we offer ice packs to apply onto the area until the sensation subsides. It is well tolerated by our patients.

What is the recovery like?

There is some initial discomfort immediately following treatment for about 10 minutes. Patients will experience swelling that will be obvious for the first week. The swelling continues to subside after a week and will have minimal swelling over the next several weeks that is only noticeable to you. Patients will also experience mild tenderness and numbness that will last for several weeks following treatment.

Will I have loose skin afterwards?

Most patients see a reduction of fat and mild tightening of the skin after Kybella treatments.

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